On 24 October 2020, Ms. Wang Hongliu, Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended the 70th Anniversary Celebration of Sichuan International Studies University (SISU) and delivered a speech at the main forum of Promoting the Belt & Road Initiative through International People-to-people Exchanges in the New Era.
In her speech, Ms. Wang elaborated onASEAN-China cooperation on connectivity, the importantrole that New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor plays in building theBelt & Road Initiative, the significance of ASEAN-Chinapeople-to-people exchanges forpromoting BRI and universities’ role in the development of New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor.

The forum was moderated by Ms. Gou Chaoli, Vice President of SISU. Mr. Dong Hongchuan, President of SISU, Ms. Wang Wen, Deputy Director-General of Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipality, Mr. Dmitry Emelyanov, Acting Consul-General of Belarus in Chongqing, Ms. Liu Hong, President of Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Mr. Xu Weilin, Vice President of Sichuan University attended the forum and delivered speeches. Government officials, scholars and students from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Ministry of Education of China, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China Foreign Affairs University, National University of Singapore attended the forum on the spot or on-line.

On the same day, Ms. Wang Hongliu also attended a seminar hosted by the School of International Relations of SISU. Together with scholars from Peking University, China Foreign Affairs University and University of International Relations as well as SISU’s renowned alumni,Ms. Wang gave some suggestions on the development direction, research plan and characteristics of the school.
From 23 to 24 October, Ms. Wang Hongliu attended the commemoration ceremonymarking the 70th anniversary of SISUand celebration gala, amongother activities.