On 10 November 2020, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) organised commercial officials of AMS diplomatic missions in China to visit the New Economic Industry Functional Area of Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone (CDHT).

Altogether 20 representatives including Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ACC, Mr. Phoutsawanh Khounchantha, Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of Lao PDR, Ms. Shwe Sin Oo, Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of Myanmar, Mr. Dao Viet Anh, Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of Viet Nam, Mr. Nugrahadi Hendro Yuwono, First Secretary of the Embassy of Indonesia, Mr. Chang Ken-Wei, First Secretary of the Embassy of Singapore and Center Director of Infocomm Media Development Authority (China), Mrs. Donlaporn Ajavavarakula, Representative of Thai BOI and Director (Investment Promotion Section) of the Royal Thai Consulate General in Shanghai, as well as representatives of enterprises attending the 2020 ASEAN-China Digital Economy Cooperation Conference, visited the New Economy Business Environment Hall of CDHT. Visitors learned about the zone planning, industrial clusters and key enterprises. Officials of AMS diplomatic missions experienced latest smart products and technologies such as service robots, smart home system and AI face recognition.

The group also visited key enterprises in the zone including Lettin and GiMi, exchanging views with them on strengthening cooperation with AMS and promoting good coordination between ASEAN and China to develop digital economy.
The visit was a sideline activity of the 2020 ASEAN-China Digital Economy Cooperation Conference co-hosted by ACC and the Chengdu Municipal People's Government. Officials of the Management Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Foreign Affairs Office of Chengdu Municipal People's Government and Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology accompanied the visit.