On 27 November 2020, ASEAN Plus Three (APT) SME Seminar on Coastal City Emergency Industry, which was hosted by China Centre for Promotion of SME Development of the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, was held in Beijing. About 50 representatives from ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), government agencies, chambers of commerce, associations, academics and enterprises, attended the event upon invitation. Mr. Luo Junzhang, Deputy Director General of China Center for Promotion of SME Development of the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Mr. Ke Xuemin, Deputy Party Secretary and Vice President of Board of Management of Weihai Torch High-Tech Development Zone attended and addressed the event. Mr. He Guili, Vice President of Internet Society of China, Mr. Niu Dayong, Head of Research Centre on Business Model and Capital Market of Harbin Engineering University, Professor Manabu Sawaguchi, Senior Adviser to Value Engineering Association of Japan, Ms. Sorakit Manbuphachati, Deputy Secretary General of the Federation of Thai Industries and other representatives shared observations on innovation-driven development and the role that the Internet played in combating COVID-19, such as helping to make good use of think-tank resources and cementing development basis for emergency industry. Participants from chambers of commerce and associations as well as enterprises shared experiences and cases to promote SME development and APT cooperation on innovation.