The 23rd China Annual Conference and Expo for International Education (CACIE) was held in Beijing from 16 to 18 February. Under the theme of “Reshaping Education: Adaptation and Transformation”, CACIE comprises Plenary Session, Nights of CACIE, Keynote Speeches, Parallel Forums, University Presentation, Education B2B and China Education Expo. Dr. Huai Jinpeng, Minister of Education of China, delivered a video speech on promoting international educational exchanges and cooperation at the plenary session. H.E. Dr. Patricia Hildegard Flor, Ambassador of Germany to China attended and addressed the conference.

Mr. Sun Yi, Director of the General Affairs and Coordination Division of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended Nights of CACIE upon invitation. The ACC was awarded “Best Partner of China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE)”. Dr. Liu Limin, President of CEAIE presented the award.