On 6 August 2023, H.E. Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) called on the visiting H.E. Vice President Sommad Pholsena of the Lao National Assembly and his delegation in Fuzhou.
Secretary General Shi thanked Vice President Sommad for attending the ASEAN-China Week (ACW) 2023, and said that, as an intergovernmental organization co-founded by 10 ASEAN Member States (AMS) and China, the ACC has long been playing a bridging role to promote practical cooperation in various fields between both sides. The ACC stands ready to render more support and assistance to the economic development and social progress of Lao PDR, carry out more cooperation projects suiting the needs of both sides in such areas as trade, investment, education, tourism promotion and connectivity, and better serve the continuous growth of Laos-China and ASEAN-China relations.
Vice President Sommad warmly congratulated the ACC on the success of the ACW 2023 events, and appreciated the ACC’s important contribution to continuously deepening ASEAN-China friendly exchanges and practical cooperation. Sommad said that Lao PDR and China are friendly neighbours connected by mountains and rivers. Both sides have carried out a series of cooperation projects under the framework of ASEAN-China and Lancang-Mekong Cooperation with fruitful results. The Lao side looks forward to further strengthening extensive communication and cooperation with the ACC, promoting effective and result-oriented cooperation in the fields of trade, tourism, finance and healthcare, and bringing forth tangible benefits to the two countries and peoples.
During the ACW 2023, Secretary General Shi also met with the visiting Secretary Ayodhia Kalake of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment of Indonesia, Secretary of State Kuang Phoak of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, Secretary of State Om Romny of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia, Deputy Minister Khairul Firdaus of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Malaysia, and Deputy Secretary-General Satvinder Singh of ASEAN for ASEAN Economic Community, for exchanges of views on further promoting the ASEAN-China comprehensive strategic partnership.