Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong Meets with Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun


On August 18, 2023, Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong met with Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun.

Nong Rong said, not long ago, President Xi Jinping had a cordial and friendly meeting with President Joko Widodo who came to China to attend the opening ceremony of the 31st FISU World University Games in Chengdu. The two heads of state agreed to build the China-Indonesia community with a shared future into reality, providing important strategic guidance for bilateral cooperation in the next stage. China is ready to work with Indonesia to implement the important common understandings between the two heads of state, make all-out efforts to prepare for the next important high-level visit, deepen strategic mutual trust, strengthen high-level strategic cooperation, and jointly promote the development of the two countries as well as the stability and prosperity in the region.

Djauhari Oratmangun said that the two countries have maintained close high-level contacts this year, once again demonstrating the close and high-level China-Indonesia relations. Indonesia is willing to fully cooperate with China to ensure the complete success of all high-level visits this year. He thanked China for giving strong support for Indonesia's work in its assumption of the ASEAN chairmanship this year, saying that Indonesia expects to continue increasing coordination and expanding cooperation with China at bilateral and multilateral levels, so as to constantly achieve new and greater development in the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.