On 20 November 2024, Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) had a meeting with Union Minister Min Naung for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation of Myanmar in Zhengzhou of Henan Province, on the sidelines of the latter’s attendance to 2024 ASEAN-Henan Cooperation Conference on Food and Agriculture co-hosted by the ACC and the Henan Provincial Government.

Shi Zhongjun conveyed his appreciation to Minister Min Naung for his gracing the Conference in Zhengzhou, and briefed him on the ACC’s mandates as an intergovernmental organization, and the ACC’s bridging role in fostering practical cooperation between ASEAN and China, especially in the areas of food and agriculture. The ACC reaffirm its steadfast commitment to providing support and assistance to Myanmar in its pursuit of agricultural modernization, social progress and well-beings of the Myanmar people. The Myanmar side could make the best use of the Conference as a good opportunity to share experience and explore cooperation with potential partners both from ASEAN and China with Henan included.

Minister Min Naung expressed appreciation to the ACC’s invitation and spoke highly of the Conference as a valuable platform for Myanmar to delve into potential cooperation with China and Henan in particular. As the rotating chair of ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) Meeting this year, Myanmar stays keen to collaborating with other ASEAN Member States and China to enhance food and agricultural cooperation, especially in such key areas as agri-technology and machinery, seeding, food processing, storage and capacity building for agriculture-related personnel. The Myanmar side looks forward to engaging with more cities and companies in China, trading in more agricultural produce and attracting more investment from China. The Myanmar side will continue to count on the ACC’s partnership and support in securing concrete cooperation projects and reaping early harvest in the near future.