China-ASEAN cooperation producing win-win results

China-ASEAN cooperation producing win-win results

Guangxi& 39;s land-sea channel further opening up country& 39;s western areas to the rest of the worldHeading south ...[展開]
ACC Representatives Attended the China (Fujian) - Indonesia Green Economic Cooperation Promotion Conference

ACC Representatives Attended the China (Fujian) - Indonesia Green Economic Cooperation Promotion Conference

On 8 September 2021, the China (Fujian) - Indonesia Green Economic Cooperation Promotion Conference was held at X ...[展開]
ACC Representatives Attended the 2021 BRICS Forum and Exhibition on Partnership on New Industrial Revolution

ACC Representatives Attended the 2021 BRICS Forum and Exhibition on Partnership on New Industrial Revolution

On 7 September 2021, the 2021 BRICS Forum and Exhibition on Partnership on New Industrial Revolution was held in ...[展開]
ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Exchanged Views with Chairman of CCPIT Heilongjiang Committee

ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Exchanged Views with Chairman of CCPIT Heilongjiang Committee

On 6 September 2021, Mr Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met in Beijing with Mr ...[展開]
ACC Representatives Attended the 2021 Taiyuan Energy Low Carbon Development Forum

ACC Representatives Attended the 2021 Taiyuan Energy Low Carbon Development Forum

On 3 September 2021, 2021 Taiyuan Energy Low Carbon Development Forum (hereinafter referred to as Taiyuan Forum) ...[展開]
ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Attended Collective Signing Ceremony of Contracts of Trade in Services and New Products Releasing Conference of Gansu Province

ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Attended Collective Signing Ceremony of Contracts of Trade in Services and New Products Releasing Conference of Gansu Province

On 3 September 2021, the Collective Signing Ceremony of Contracts of Trade in Services and New Products Releasing ...[展開]
ACC Representatives Attended the 12th ASEAN Connectivity Symposium

ACC Representatives Attended the 12th ASEAN Connectivity Symposium

On 26 August 2021, representatives of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), attended upon invitation the 12th ASEAN Connec ...[展開]
Cooperation shining brightly

Cooperation shining brightly

Editor& 39;s Note: People-to-people exchanges are deepening the connections between countries participating in the Be ...[展開]

SE Asians rush for sales as online shift deepens

JAKARTA-Amid the recent upsurge in COVID-19 cases, retailers across Southeast Asia have banded together to offer ...[展開]
ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Exchanged Views with Deputy Director-General of MIIT- CIETC

ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Exchanged Views with Deputy Director-General of MIIT- CIETC

On 12 August 2021, Mr Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met in Beijing with Mr Ch ...[展開]
ACC Attended the Opening Ceremony of 2021 RCEP Members International Trade Digital Expo

ACC Attended the Opening Ceremony of 2021 RCEP Members International Trade Digital Expo

On the morning of 28 July 2021, the opening ceremony of 2021 of RCEP Members International Trade Digital Expo w ...[展開]
ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Exchanged Views with Vice-Chairman of CCPIT

ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Exchanged Views with Vice-Chairman of CCPIT

On 27 July 2021, Mr Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met in Beijing with Mr Zhan ...[展開]
ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Met with Director of the Bureau of Foreign Cooperation and Exchange at the Management Committee of Qinzhou Port Area of CFTZ

ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Met with Director of the Bureau of Foreign Cooperation and Exchange at the Management Committee of Qinzhou Port Area of CFTZ

On27 July2021, Mr Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with Mr Zhuang Yan, Directo ...[展開]
ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Met with Deputy Director of MIIT-CIETC-IIE

ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Met with Deputy Director of MIIT-CIETC-IIE

On 26 July 2021, Mr Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met in Beijing with Mr Tian ...[展開]
ACC Organized Diplomatic Envoys of AMS Visited Luoyang City

ACC Organized Diplomatic Envoys of AMS Visited Luoyang City

From 20 to 21 July 2021, the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) organized the diplomatic envoys of ASEAN Member States (AM ...[展開]