On 7 November 2024, Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) was invited to attend the 2024 International Conference in Seoul of the Republic of Korea (ROK). Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith of the Lao PDR, First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Hong Kyun of the ROK, Assistant Foreign Minister Russ Jalichandra of Thailand, Deputy Secretary General Dato’Astanah Abdul Aziz of ASEAN, Secretary General Kim Jae-Shin of the ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) and Secretary General Kunihiko Hirabayashi of the ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC) graced the event.

Shi Zhongjun stated that the world is navigating through an era of turbulence and transformation, facing common challenges such as economic sluggishness, geopolitical tensions, climate change and the digital divide. As one of the engines driving global post-pandemic recovery, East Asia serves as the increasingly vital backbone for world peace and stability. The ASEAN Plus Three (APT) cooperation has been standing out as one of the most mature cooperation mechanisms in Asia and earned its name through significant contributions to the regional growth and prosperity. Looking ahead, the long-term stability and development of East Asia cannot be separated from the collaborated efforts of all countries in the region. The APT countries should uphold solidarity and collaboration with openness and inclusiveness, leveraging strengths of all ASEAN-related cooperation mechanism, implementing the consensus among the APT leaders through jointly carrying out more concrete projects of common interest; seeking common ground while respecting differences and learning from each other, deepening the bonds of friendship among our peoples by further strengthening people-to-people exchanges, particularly among the youth and media; capitalizing on the past success and charting the course for future progress, aligning with the ASEAN Community Vision 2045 as well as the development agenda of our respective countries and striving for development characterized with high-quality, inclusiveness and stability toward a brighter future for East Asia and Asia as a whole.

Saleumxay commended the substantive achievements of ASEAN-Korea relationship over the past 35 years and its elevation to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Taking this opportunity, it is hoped that ASEAN and Korea could further enhance mutual trust and benefit and tap the full potential of cooperation, fostering more collaborative outcomes in such fields as digital transformation, AI and human resources, and jointly contributing to regional peace, stability and prosperity. Kim Hong Kyun and Kim Jae-shin both stressed the ROK’s willingness to work with ASEAN for the further advancement of strategic cooperation, focusing on sustainable development including climate change and digital innovation, as well as people-to-people exchanges especially among the youth. Astanah appreciated and welcomed the continued deepening of cooperation in various fields between ASEAN and its dialogue partners with the ROK included, so as to better serve the post-2025 ASEAN Community building, and well-beings of the peoples in our region.

The 2024 International Conference on ASEAN-Korea Partnership was hosted by the AKC, in celebration of the 35th anniversary of ASEAN-Korea dialogue relations and the 15th founding anniversary of the AKC. More than 200 government officials and diplomatic envoys from ASEAN Member States, representatives of international organizations, think tanks, and universities were present. Prior to the Conference, Shi Zhongjun briefly met with DPM Saleumxay, who spoke highly of the ACC’s efforts in supporting the successful rotating ASEAN chairmanship of the Lao PDR this year and looked forward to an even bigger role to be played by the ACC in carrying forward the ASEAN-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.